The Mission events held by SC Bazar Production SRL are subject to rules and conditions. See below for a full overview of the company rules.
SC Bazar Production SRL reserves the right to refuse a person entry to the event at all times.
SC Bazar Production SRL reserves the right to amend the events policy at any time.
SC Bazar Production SRL reserves the right to make recordings on location at the event using both image and sound carriers. These recordings may be used by the organisation without any form of remuneration (in the form of money or otherwise) being payable to the visitors in question.
The minimum age for our shows is 18 years. If a visitor’s age is in doubt, proof of ID may be requested. If you are aged under 18 or unable to produce any identification, you may be refused entry.
Visitors’ own food and drinks, bottles, cans, alcohol, glassware or flammable materials are prohibited at the venue and may not be brought inside. Umbrellas are also prohibited and in case of rainy weather we recommend the raincoat.
Visitors to the event must agree to being searched at the entrance, if requested.
SC Bazar Production SRL practice Zero Tolerance policy. Drugs are prohibited. This applies both to the consumption and the sale of drugs.
Weapons are strictly prohibited. Be sensible, and leave all objects at home that could be regarded as weapons. Objects that could be used as weapons will be confiscated.
Visitors will be thoroughly searched at the entrance, and persons found to be in possession of drugs will be immediately handed over to the police.
It is prohibited to conduct commercial activities at or around the venue.
Visitors attend the event entirely at their own risk.
Smoking is only allowed in the special smoking area!
SC Bazar Production SRL is not liable for loss or damages either to visitors’ property or physical condition.
The areas in and around the venue will be strictly monitored for disturbances. Persons who commit misconduct in any manner whatsoever shall be removed from the venue immediately.
Bringing professional or semi-professional photographic equipment to events is prohibited, unless agreed upon otherwise by means of an assigned press accreditation. Normal digital or other cameras, however, are permitted.
SC Bazar Production SRL is not liable for direct or indirect damages resulting from inaccuracies in, or problems caused by or inherent to, the spread of information via internet, or technical malfunctions.
By entering this event, you automatically agree to follow our rules and our payment agreements.
The Mission is licensed for people of 18 years or older.
It is not allowed to bring your own food or beverages. There are adequate facilities where you can purchase food and drinks at the venue.
An ordinary (digital) camera is allowed. It is forbidden to carry (semi) professional photographic equipments unless otherwise agreed upon.
We encourage all the visitors to carry valid identification. Anyone who fails to present valid ID upon entry will not be allowed into the festival.
Yes, there are various rules to The Mission. Full copies of Terms & Conditions and the house rules are available in this website.
Tickets are available to
If you have any questions regarding your tickets, please contact
Section 1: Definitions
a. ‘Organisation’: Sc Bazar Production Srl
b. ‘Visitor’: any person who concludes an agreement in any manner with the organisation, directly or indirectly, which agreement pertains to attending an Event organised by the Organisation. This applies to all natural persons at the Venue.
c. ‘Event’: a party, event, musical performance, etc. organised by the Organisation.
d. ‘Venue’: any location where the Organisation organises an Event, the associated spaces and surrounding areas that are part of the complex in which the event is being held, including the public road that the organisation is entitled to use.
Section 2: General provisions
a. These general terms and conditions shall apply to all agreements to which the Organisation is a direct or indirect party, including the services to be provided by the Organisation. By entering the Venue, Visitors agree unconditionally to the content of these general terms and conditions.
b. All offers, line-up and other announcements, notifications, price lists and other information provided by the Organisation or third parties are obligation-free. The Organisation accepts no liability for possible errors contained in the information or announcements made to Visitors by the Organisation or third parties.
c. Any deviations from this agreement shall apply only if the Organisation has declared such in writing.
d. These terms and conditions will only be declared inapplicable by the Organisation if necessary.
Section 3: Access, stay and security
a. If a minimum age applies to an Event organised by the Organisation, Visitors who enter the Venue must have reached the minimum age.
b. The Organisation is entitled to search Visitors, check bags or ask for identification prior to or during the Event.
c. Upon request, Visitors are obliged to provide identification in order to enable the Organisation to fulfil its statutory obligations as part of the Event, including the obligation not to supply alcohol to persons aged under 18 years..